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Literate Internet Site Award

literate internet site award.

16 February 2005
U.S. Special Delivery.com is a very well designed site, easy to navigate, and simply loaded with resources for philatelists! Additionally, it is felt that the site's writing is interesting, informative, and well-crafted. No errors in spelling or grammar were noted. Please accept the L.I.S.A award badge as my high regard for your quality work.

Best regards, Lisa Perry
YourWriteSite.com - AS 3.0 | WA 1

Hawaii City Aloha Award

aloha award.

17 June 2005
Aloha, All of us agreed that you truly do have a interesting web site with quality content and design. The Aloha Award is not an easy award to win. That is why this award is seen so infrequently. Proudly display the Aloha Award to let others know that your Web site is informative, unique and has won this prestigious award.

Congratulations and Aloha,
Kealoha, Leilani, Bruce and Steve
Hawaii City - Web masters - AS 3.0 - WA 8.5