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Incoming Special Delivery Mail to Canal Zone

The Canal Zone Philatelist, Volume 57, Nr. 1, Whole #138

Post offices in the Canal Zone generally stocked United States special delivery stamps for sale to their patrons since a fair amount of such mail was sent stateside. But, there was very little special delivery mail going into the Zone since there was no local service.

On December 3, 1937, a special delivery letter utilizing the 16c red and blue air mail special delivery stamp was sent to Mrs. A.R. Underwood at Fort Clayton, in the Zone. The air mail rate at the time was 15c and the special delivery fee was 10c. but the sender put on a 4c Army-Navy commemorative and a 6c regular issue stamp, overpaying the rate by one cent. The corner card pictured the U.S. Army Transport Chateau Thierry. There was no indication that the letter received special delivery service.

Did the post office at the Fort give this letter the special service it was due? No regulations have been found to indicate that this was required. Any thoughts? Who else has any other incoming special delivery mail. The author would like to know at PO Box 891, Middletown, New York 10940.